A simple, yet very effective way of sharing the gospel of Christ is through Bible correspondence courses.
Our members coordinating this work usually start with an eight lesson course by John Hurt. The lessons are: #1 - The Old Testament, #2 - The New Testament, #3 - Rightly Dividing The Word, #4 - Faith And Works, #5 - Becoming A Christian, #6 - Acceptable Worship, #7 - The New Testament Church, #8 - You Can Be Just A Christian.
An excellent twenty-five lesson course written by Wendell K. Freeman is also available. Lesson topics: #1 - God, #2 - Sin, #3 - Grace, #4 - Christ, #5 - The Scriptures, #6 - Obedience, #7 - Hearing, #8 - Faith, #9 - Repentance, #10 - Confession, #11 - Baptism, #12 - Worship, #13 - Teaching, #14 - Prayer, #15 - Giving, #16 - The Lord's Supper, #17 - Singing, #18 - The Church, #19 - Church Autonomy, #20 - Love, #21 - Faithfulness, #22 - Apostasy, #23 - Judgment, #24 - Hell, #25 - Heaven.
We have several new Bible correspondence courses to choose from.
"Acts Of The Apostles" written by David Pharr contains six lessons with emphasis on conversion, the church and the Holy Spirit.
John Hurt has a twelve lesson topical course. #1 - Famous Men Of The Bible, #2 - Famous Women Of The Bible, #3 - Bible Objects, #4 - Bible Lands And Places, #5 - Old Testament History, #6 - Mid-Term Examination, #7 - New Testament History, #8 - Bible Plants And Animals, #9 - Well Known Scriptures, #10 - Books And Their Authors, #11 - General Bible Knowledge, #12 - Final Examination.
"Studies In The Bible" spans thirty lessons. #1 - How We Got The Bible, #2 - Rightly Dividing The Word, #3 - The Creation And Fall Of Man, #4 - The Patriarchs, #5 - The Wilderness Wanderings, #6 - The
Conquest Of Canaan, #7 - The United Kingdom, #8 - The Divided Kingdom, #9 - The Poets And Prophets, #10 - Jesus Christ - His Birth And Baptism, #11 - Jesus Christ - His Ministry, #12 - Jesus Christ - His Teaching, #13 - The Crucifixion Of Christ, #14 - The Resurrection Of Christ, #15 - Sin And Its Consequences, #16 - Jesus Christ - God's Cure For Sin, #17 - The Two Covenants, #18 - The Establishment Of The Church, #19 - Paul's Missionary Journeys, #20 - New Testament Conversions, #21 - Saving Faith, #22 - Scriptural Baptism, #23 - The Epistles, #24 - Religious Authority, #25 - The Church - Its Names and Unity, #26 - The Church - Its Worship And Financing, #27 - The Church - Its Organization And Work, #28 - The Holy Spirit, #29 - The Second Coming Of Christ, #30 - Eternal Punishment And Reward. Many of these lessons have helpful charts and diagrams illustrating the basic teachings.
An exciting new correspondence course is one our members may want to work through as well. It is titled, "The Restoration Movement." The lessons: #1 - The Need For Restoration, 32 - The Protestant Reformation, #3 - Early Efforts At Restoration, #4 - Barton W. Stone, #5 - Thomas Campbell, #6 - Alexander Campbell, Part 1, #7 - Alexander Campbell, Part 2, #8 - Walter Scott, #9 - Raccoon John Smith, #10 - The American Christian Missionary Society, #11 - Instrumental Music In Worship, #12 - More Pioneer Preachers Of The Restoration, #13 - Consequences Of A Pattern Ignored. This is written by V. Glenn McCoy, author of the book, "Return To The Old Paths."